Urban Pin-Up in Bucharest

DyStyle invites you to rediscover Bucharest and the pin-up urban style with the new 2015 summer collection. The campaign photos are talking about the relationships made by this style with the architecture of the city and show how wearable is pin-up in the urban space. Using limited edition prints, a …
Urban Pin Up by DyStyle

DyStyle continua sa aduca in lumina reflectoarelor stilul retro, in care mixeaza influente din decade diferite si pe care le adapteaza tendintelor actuale. Imaginile de campanie realizate vorbesc despre relatia acestui stil cu arhitectura orasului si arata cat de purtabil este pin-upul in spatiul urban. Colectia …
Pop Art Pin Up shooting by DyStyle
Giveaway / Martisor Pin-Up by DyStyle

Ce faceti Floricelelor? Cum v-a gasit primavara? Frumoase? Tinere? Vesele? Efervescente? Infloritoare si iubitoare? In acest caz, avem un martisor minunat pentru voi, sub forma de GIVEAWAY! Dy Style, magazinul nostru preferat in materie de hainute si accesorii Pin-Up, a implinit ieri 3 ani ( Yuhuuuuu, Happy Birthdaaaay ! ), …
About DyStyle
Silk Handamde Retro Cufflinks
Making of Dias de los Muertos
Pin Up Jace Liisa from New York by Ciprian Strugariu
DyStyle on cqwen.com

Retro fashion Elegance and sensuality of the ’20′s-‘60’s are combined with high quality fabrics and lovely prints to generate modern and versatile designs which are perfect to wear during both daytime and special occasions. Every single DyStyle’s piece is timeless whilst expressing modernity and classic style; unique designs bringing the …